Worry-free online payments and withdrawals are exactly what most people are looking for. You’ll find these in the new electronic wallets (“e-wallets”) available these days, most notably Neteller, a secure online payment service established in 1999. The service can be used to pay for purchases on the Internet, to make withdrawals and to send money rapidly and conveniently to your family and friends all over the world.
For spending at merchants or casinos online and off, and for obtaining quick cash at ATMs internationally, the best solution may be the Net+ Prepaid MasterCard, usable wherever MasterCard credit cards are accepted. It looks and functions just like a regular credit card, so no one but you will know the important difference – this card is prepaid, loaded with funds in advance of your shopping spree or vacation.
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How does Neteller work?
First of all, sign up for an account. On the website, you’ll find a form to submit with some basic personal information, including the option to choose from among about 20 different currencies. After registering, deposit money into your new account, via a credit or debit card deposit, a local bank deposit, a credit card or an international bank transfer. Other deposit methods may be available dependent on the country where you live. You are now ready to begin using your account to pay for goods and services online, including online gaming at any of the large number of casinos that accept this type of payment. (Simply select this method in the online cashier’s window.) You may also withdraw money by transferring it to your credit card or your bank account.
Where can this method be used?
This convenient online payment method may be used in many countries around the globe. However, there may certain national restrictions on using the method to pay for gambling. In addition, there is a list of countries, mainly European and Arab, where it is not accepted. These countries include Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bouvet Island, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Cook Islands, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Macau, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Nauru, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the USA, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
Advantages and disadvantages of Neteller
Safety, convenience and speed are three big reasons for using this system. You do not need to give any information over the Internet. Due to the nature of the set up, you can never overdraw your account or run up debt. When you pay with Neteller, some merchants offer a discount. Some disadvantages include the fact that you are charged a fee on every purchase made with the Net+ Prepaid MasterCard and that US customers are not accepted at the present time.
Click here to visit the official Neteller website.